
Have you ever felt your Team Members are not motivated to reach the goals of the company?

That you could have a greater impact on your Team Members to increase service levels and, therefore, increase sales?

I sure did! I knew the sky was the limit, and once I understood what I'm going to reveal to you in this program, I had a giant shift in perspective.

I realized I was creating my own stress, and therefore, the stress my Team was feeling.

I also realized, how much my internal emotions were affecting my day to day activities and how to work through those emotions to remain positive and effective throughout the day, no matter what came my way.

Hello! I'm Candace and I was in leadership roles at one of the largest home improvement companies in the US for more than 20 years. Now, I'm a leadership and mindset coach.

Let me ask you a few questions. Have you recently felt like:

  • You're working endless hours, but not getting the results you want?
  • You are not as present with your spouse or children because you are constantly thinking about that big project at work?
  • You are always exhausted because the stress and multitude of "things" to do at work keep you up at night?
If you answered, "Yes!" to any of these questions, I'm here to tell you there's another way!
It doesn't require:
  • Working 60 hours/week.
  • Conflicts with your Team Members.
  • Sacrificing your family time.
  • Sacrificing your health and wellbeing.
  • You to compare yourself to another leader, wondering if what you are doing is enough to get that next promotion.
  • You to be sneaky and inauthentic to get ahead in your career.
 I'm joining forces with Peter Sage to bring you the amazing personal transformation programs he has created. Together we have over 50 years of experience and expertise in leadership principles and human behavior.

Who is Peter Sage? Peter is a leading world authority on effective personal transformation and one of the most sought-after mentors and personal one-to-one coaches in the world today.

He is one of the few qualified Trainers for Robbins Research International and worked alongside Tony Robbins at his events for over 15 years.  Peter is a 6-time TedEx speaker, a highly respected entrepreneur, a published author, an adventure seeker, and a very charismatic and authentic leader in the field of personal transformation. 

Committed to sharing his accrued 30 years of knowledge and experience, Peter has created the EMF – described as probably the most modern, exciting, affordable, authentic, effective, refreshing, and valuable personal transformation program ever created. 

Are you ready to elevate your leadership skills so that you can experience greater results in Team Member retention, Team Member relations, and overall company performance? If so, click here to schedule a time for us to chat and see if working together would be a good fit. 



Your Top 3 Pains and the solutions for how to overcome them.

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